June adventures from Umatilla National Forest to Hells Canyon and beyond

June 15, 2021  •  1 Comment

Mountain Kittentails (Synthyris missurica)

Grass Widows (Olsynium douglasii)

The Umatilla Rim trail.  The view from the Umatilla Rim trail.  Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus)
Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides)
American Black Bear (Ursus americanus)

A butterfly on Red Columbine. 

Rocky Mountain Clearwing (Hemaris thetis) taken with cell phone

A rattlesnake on Hells Canyon Road.

The view from the visitor center. Taken with a cell phone. 

Waking up to a foggy 4Runner window at the Ollokot campground. Taken with cell phone.

The cloudy view at the Hells Canyon overlook.

The Buck Creek trailhead.

Pine tree pollen in a mud puddle.

A Columbian Ground Squirrel.

Spittle bugs.

Sunset over Hells Canyon.

Sunset shadows in Hells Canyon.

A Whitetail deer and her twin fawns. 

Sacajawea Peak seen from Hurricane Creek trail in the Eagle Cap Wilderness.

Geological formations in the cliffs along Hurricane Creek.

Fairy-slipper orchids (Calypso bulbosa) along the Hurricane Creek trail.

Tracy and me hiking Hurricane Creek. Cell phone selfie. 

A Fairy-slipper orchid at Horseshoe Prairie in the Umatilla National Forest.

The Umatilla Rim trail as it passes through Horseshoe Prairie. 


Get in on the June adventures from Umatilla National Forest to Hells Canyon and beyond! This month we’ll be visiting locations along the Salmon Falls section of the Salmon River. Expect temperatures record http://m.ttyadoll.com/article/gallery/8/1222/ on site to be in the 80’s, great camping and hiking, and plenty of time spent at various establishments where you can get your favorite refreshments
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