A visit to Saviah Cellars

September 26, 2014  •  1 Comment

I went with Rich Funk of Saviah Cellars to test one of the blocks he has in the Rocks District. He taste tests right in the vineyard then takes a sample back to do further testing with. Fascinating techniques and science.

Collecting the samples.

The rocky land the district is named for.

Samples to test back at the winery.

Crabapples in the neighboring orchard.

Bird netting that Rich recently discovered also helps protect from hail. 

A cluster of grapes.

A sunflower back at the winery.

Some peppers drying in the sun by their garden.

A small bunch of grapes left over after harvest.

Another sunflower at the winery.


I love all of these, Steve! You are amazing and have captured some wonderful images. I am looking forward to seeing the harvest and winery photos you've been working on this week.
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