Elk Flats, Umatilla National Forest, Bee Survey

July 16, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Doing a bumblebee survey for http://www.pnwbumblebeeatlas.org/

Driving on NF-6413 going to Elk Flats trailhead. (Google Pixel cellphone photo)

The survey habitat near Elk Flats. (Google Pixel cellphone photo)

What appears to be a B. bifarius male.

A bee fly (Bombylius ?) feeding on nettleleaf horsemint (Agastache urticifolia)

An unidentified male, possibly B. fervidous, on nettleleaf horsemint

A cobalt blue butterfly

A swallowtail butterfly

A bee fly

Where I set up in the shade. (Google Pixel cellphone photo)

A wind and temperature meter HoldPeak HP-866B. (Google Pixel cellphone photo)


A bumblebee in a glass vile to chill it on ice so that it's easier to work with. (Google Pixel cellphone photo)

Netting bees for a closer look. (Google Pixel cellphone photo)  

A pair of blister beetles mating

Looking down on the Grande Ronde river valley 

Looking towards the Wallowa mountains from an amazing viewpoint.

Crossing a narrow bridge over  the Grande Ronde river. (Google Pixel cellphone photo)  

Crossing the Grande Ronde river. (Google Pixel cellphone photo)

A sedated bee to make photographing and identifying them easier.
Possibly B. flavifrons? I am a newbie at this and not good at IDing yet! 


Camera Equipment list:

Canon 5D MK III

Canon 70-200 2.8L IS II

Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro (Original Version)

Canon EF25 II Extension Tube

Canon 1.4x iii Telephoto Extender

Flashpoint XPLOR 600 HSS


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